Book Review: Stronger

Having heard Clayton King speak on several occasions, I was very excited to read his latest book. Just before starting to read this book, I heard him speak at a youth conference about this book, which only added to my anticipation in reading it. King did not disappoint in the slightest.

Through opening up and becoming vulnerable to his readers, he showed how God used the most painful times in his life to bring redemption and glory. King shared stories about his wife, his kids, and his parents. He shares how losing his father was the most difficult time in his life, yet God used that time to draw King closer to Him.

This exceptional book pulls on the heartstrings of anyone who has ever experienced difficult times, and it draws out the deep down, hidden emotions of the readers. Throughout the pages of this book, I laughed, I cried (more than once), and I learned. While reading King’s personal stories, I was forced to think through my own trials and strive to see God’s work in those times.

This book is not simply a “God has a plan for your pain” complacent book. Rather, this book is real, raw, and honest about how painful life can be, yet God uses that pain for a purpose. The biblical figures of Jesus, Stephen, and Paul are focused on a great deal in this book, reminding us of people who have suffered far more than us, yet have come out on the other side of glory.

While I was reading this book, I could not stop talking about it. I recommended it to my husband, mother, and pastor. This book cuts deep, heals deep, and revives deep. It shines God’s spotlight on the hurting places of our lives, and directs us to the cross for redemption through our trials. 

Stronger: How Hard Times Reveal God's Greatest Power


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